yours and mine -- procrastination rules!


hey look, month two

okay, so the blog isn't a month old yet, but it is the second month and it not only hasn't been abandoned, it's hardly even been neglected.

so i was trying to decide what i could blog about, and i thought i could try playing some kind of april fool's joke, but i'm a few hours late for that.

instead i think i shall contemplate something that's happening right now (or actually several minutes ago) -- the time change. i hate daylight savings time. actually i only hate it in the spring; i love the random extra hour of sleep in the fall. regardless of that, though, i always think it's dumb and pointless; not bad just pointless. now, that doesn't mean i think it's a great idea that most of my home state (not including my little corner, the bit up by chicago and a few other areas) has been ignoring it. everybody else does it, so even if it's kinda dumb, not doing it just makes us seem like a bunch of backward-ass hicks, already a problem for indiana. besides, it makes it weird and tricky trying to remember what the time difference is between places when it changes depending on the time of year.

well that my rant for today. oh, and happy, happy me, i just bought this. i know it's out of season right now, but i've been coveting it for over a year.

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