yours and mine -- procrastination rules!


somewhat random

what to post about?

i went bowling the other day, and it was massively great seeing all my lovely friends, many of whom i haven't actually seen since february. i finished 5 out of 7 people, which is pretty good for me, a 70-something. yes, i bowl for crap. there was cheesecake afterwards, and i'm much better at eating than bowling.

here's something totally random. does anyone think it's wrong that i'm considering starting to carry a purse, mostly just so i have someplace to put all my cool buttons and such now that i'm a college graduate and don't need a backpack? sure it might be nice to be able to keep my cell and smokes somewhere other than my pants, and i could even find room for things like headache drugs and a nail file (for when they break and are all jagged), but mostly it's about the buttons. is that too weird? of course, this does not mean i have any intention of giving up my awesome wallet.


Blogger basscomm said...

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4/12/2006 11:40 AM


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