yours and mine -- procrastination rules!


take me somewhere, please. this is just sad.

and i've only barely been to three of those states. i've only been to st. louis is missouri, barely across the border into georgia from tennessee, and i was once in a park that was in kentucky, tennessee and virginia, but that's as far into virginia as i've made it.

on the plus side i did spend 10 day in england 7 years ago.


Blogger bibliophile81 said...

Some of the ones on my map (on sidebar) I've only been through. I haven't gotten to spend any real time in Alabama, West Virginia or Michigan. In the case of Michigan, I've never even been outside of the Detroit airport, although I've spent quite a few hours inside of it.

1/26/2007 11:56 AM

Blogger velocibadgergirl said...

I think my feet actually touched the ground in all the states on my map. If I was counting in the car for a few minutes or "in the airport," I'd get to count Nebraska and Georgia as well...

Clearly you guys should've been geology majors...we travel a lot! ;)

1/26/2007 12:27 PM


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