yours and mine -- procrastination rules!


election thoughts

as you may have guessed, i am happy, happy, giddy-like-a-schoolgirl (well maybe not like a schoolgirl, but damned happy) about the election results. mostly i am massively happy that john hostettler had his ass handed to him. for a county by county breakdown of the beating he took go here. let's be honest, i didn't really vote for brad ellsworth, though he seems a nice enough guy, i voted against hostettler. i have every chance i got since i was old enough to vote, and i wanted to before that. i have giggled and cackled and clapped my hands (even made a chihuahua dance) at the thought of finally being rid of him. today, i was driving down the street (okay, my dad was driving, i was riding) and saw a big hostettler sign and i just pointed and laughed.

also a plus, over in the 9th district baron hill won. this makes me happy because before i found out exactly what race that was, i kept seeing ads on the tv for it. i'd see all these attack ads against hill and was like, "damn, i wanna vote for him." because i'm all for a candidate who voted to fund research for an abortion pill (the morning after pill i'm guessing), and doesn't support the ban on flag burning, and doesn't support the banning of gay marriage. really, i don't get this ban on gay marriage thing. recently, indiana decided to ban gay marriage despite the fact that before that gay marriage was not legal. i mean, even if you don't support gay marriage, how fucking insecure do you have to be to ban something that is already not legal? isn't it bad enough that the only things we seem to be known for besides corn are dan quayle and woody from cheers, now we have to start making things double illegal?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The so called "morning after pill" is not actually an abortion pill as the conservatives would lead us to believe.

11/09/2006 10:29 AM

Blogger rabidmonkey said...

much like a lack of religion does not equate to a lack of morals?

11/10/2006 2:37 AM


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