yours and mine -- procrastination rules!


happy birthday

no, not the blog. that's next month i think. this is for two of my good friends. today, well technically yesterday since it's after midnight, one turned 27, and the other turned 28 saturday. so if either of you see this, you're awesome and i miss you. and for the one of you who is no longer living in another state, and also more likely to see this: call me sometime so we can hang out. you've been back like 3 months and the only time i've seen you is at thanksmas, and i've got a birthday present for you.

for everyone who hasn't had a birthday this weekend: i like you, too. and if it's been a while since we've hung out, you're also welcome to call me so we can rectify the situation.

also, expect a new post after my research fieldtrip tuesday. just as soon after as i feel like switching over to new blogger. if you're dreading reading another long post about old buildings, a) blame the bibliophile for sending me a book about them and b) too freaking bad.



Blogger velocibadgergirl said...

I'm actually really looking forward to reading another long post about old buildings!

I almost emailed you the other day to remind you that you once said someday you'd post about the other kind of building you fantasize about living in, since you never did post about it.

2/19/2007 3:16 PM

Blogger bibliophile81 said...

Your old-building posts are some of your best. Actually, I wish there was a way for you to turn that interest into a career. Maybe you should write some type of local history book yourself, focusing on architecture, of course.

2/19/2007 5:57 PM

Blogger rabidmonkey said...

but i don't know anything about architecture. i just know that stuff looks cool.

2/20/2007 12:32 AM

Blogger basscomm said...

Yay! I got your email. Working this weird 8-5 Monday through Friday thing is so weird to me since I haven't done that in... ever I think.

We definitely need to set up some hanging out time.

2/22/2007 7:51 PM


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