yours and mine -- procrastination rules!


okay, i suck big time

holy crap. i managed to avoid posting entirely in the month of november. geeze, i know i'm bad about not posting, but even i know that's not good.

sadder yet, i still don't really have anything to post about. i've got a few projects in the works, most of which i can't talk about because i don't want various parties who might read this to know about them. i will say that if i asked you to do something for me toward a gift for someone else, i'm sorry i haven't gotten you the roughs yet, i will soon i promise. and if you know what the surprise mail project is, i've got all my supplies and am planning to make major progress on that thursday, since that's my day off this week. i was going to do it today, but that turned out to not be my day off. then, at some point i need to make use of all the supplies i bought saturday night, and for that matter finish the necklace i started for my brother's girlfriend and planned to give her for her birthday back in october. it's hard to say how well my christmas/winter birthday shopping is going. i've bought about half my christmas gifts, but have no idea what to get for the rest of them or any of my winter birthdays (aside from the above mentioned project not involving the usps).

work has been insane, mostly because i don't have the good sense not to work in retail at christmas time. i swear today while trying to get from the front of the store to the back of the store i was stopped no less than eight times. oddly enough that particular trip it was all customers. i quite often get stopped and asked questions by employees, including saturday night while i was shopping. although that was fairly understandable since it's not at all surprising that the newest framer doesn't know where to find things outside his department.

oddest thing about the new framer, he is male, not old, not jail bait, and doesn't seem to be gay. this is quite unusual for the craft store. in other news, our young guy of indeterminate preference is home from art school for christmas and decided to work over break. i like it when people come back to work, but i don't know why. i guess it's nice to see a familiar face.

well, that's all i've got for now and i promise to make every effort to post again before the new year.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12/08/2007 9:23 PM

Blogger rabidmonkey said...

damn spammers.

12/09/2007 3:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12/10/2007 1:37 AM

Blogger rabidmonkey said...

son of a...

12/11/2007 3:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12/12/2007 5:28 PM

Blogger rabidmonkey said...


12/13/2007 2:52 PM


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