so, my brother got promoted today. technically, he got transferred to a better job at another hotel owned by the same company. they've been trying to fill the opening for a while, but he didn't apply because it requires 2 years hotel experience, which he won't have until july. so, last night when he got to work he had a message from his boss about it, as in "hey, if your interested come back at noon and i'll interview you." from the way he talks the interview basically only had two questions: "why didn't you apply?" and "do you want it?" he doesn't know yet what it pays, but has been told it will definitely pay more. he starts the new job in about 4 hours.
he also has apparently recommended me as a replacement for his old job. i'm not sure how i feel about that. it is full time and does pay more on the hour than i make. on the other hand third shift might play hell with my social schedule, and i'd have to wear a skirt (crazy sexist dress code).
on a completely different note: puppy picks!

frankie says, "pet me! pet me! no one can resist my incredible cuteness! i am soft and fuzzy!" actually, i think right about then he would have said, "hey, what's that black thing you're holding?" but the other applies pretty much any other time. just ask anyone who has met him.

bitsy would like to know if you have any food about your person. and if so, can she have it? she would be willing to whine, bark, or sit up like a prairie dog if that would make a difference. if you don't have any food, perhaps you might be interested in a nice game of fetch/tug-of-war with a stuffed hedgehog, tennis ball, or anything that squeaks and fits in her mouth? walkies would be much appreciated, but care must be taken as she can easily slip out of her collar because her head is smaller than her neck.

petey wants to know why you won't let him sleep in peace. no honestly, if you were really there he would be jumping around like a lunatic, trying to lick you all over your face and possibly would get so excited he might lose bladder control in the vicinity of your shoes/pant leg. but you weren't there. it's was only me, and i am old news, unless i have stepped outside the door for two milliseconds, then it's another story. besides, i was holding the black thing that makes the flashy light and the funny noises. funny noises will not be tolerated in pete's house. therefore, i got this wary look from the safety of his bed. and if you're wondering, yes that's a cat bed, not a dog bed, but he loves it. it's more den like with it's partial overhang. he cries and prods it with his nose if he doesn't have a blanket though, or if he's gotten his blanket down in it so he can't burrow under the covers.
Labels: doggies
Adorable puppies! Thanks for sharing!
5/17/2007 9:54 AM
dude, i am so out of the loop. I thought your bro still worked at the gas station place. But wait a minute, my brain is trying to bring up some vague recollection of your bro getting fired from his gas station job for some completely dumb reason.... maybe i did know about this and just forgot.
5/18/2007 10:59 AM
he lost the gas station gig in late january of 2005. he had a very angry man who was drunk/high on drugs and was being loud and threatening to him and other customers. he made the guy leave using force and the threat of bodily harm involving a small pocket knife. said guy came back with friends and threw a large trash can at my borther, breaking part of the cash register off, but ran away when the cops were called.
he was fired because his use of force might be bad for the company if they sued the guy for destruction of property.
after several months of unemployment, he started working as a night auditor at a nice hotel. there are sometimes drunk people there at night, but none of them has ever thrown a trash can at him, (one did insist he call his boss for a second opinion on if he could unlock the pool for the guy after pool hours. the answer was still no.) and he has never been robbed at gunpoint.
5/19/2007 12:02 AM
Good Lord those are some weensey dogs! And very cute.
The job sounds good except for the skirt thing. That sucks.
5/20/2007 10:41 AM
for the record, the dogs have a combined weight of approx. 30 pounds. that's 1/2 bitsy, 1/3 pete, and 1/6 frank.
5/21/2007 1:09 AM
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