yours and mine -- procrastination rules!


musings and fun links

what is with this commercial i keep seeing? apparently tbs is going to be showing the lord of the rings, but one of the ads they're running is just freaky strange. it's a lot of clips of frodo and sam, and in the background they play the song "secret lover". it is totally bizarre.

for your viewing pleasure here are some links amassed by my brother and his wonderfully geeky internet RP friends in the Honor Guard. (visiting them there won't help you get more links since they keep them in a members only section, but he knew how bad i wanted them so he told me his password) lets start this link-stravaganza with the coolest thing ever (sound needed to get full effect)! while you've got the sound on, here's another fun (and massively geeky) musical site. this was billed as "the greatest music video of all time!!!", and i don't know about that, but it is quite amusing. i also highly recommend this video about minjas. also, this ukelele player is extremely talented. this is not massively cool, but definitely interesting.

now, for you star wars fans, you get a whole paragraph all your own. starting with these two awesome lightsaber duels, one with additude and the other more pretty (with great music). this one isn't really star wars, but it is hilarious in a purposely dumb kind of way, and includes references to star wars (look for "copyright infringement" and a funny bit as the end credits are wrapping up). last but not least: squirrel wars!

also, here's the geek test they've all been taking. sharon and i both took it the other day. we're both level 3 - true geeks (i beat her though, Mwahaha.) i don't think we have much hope of catching the HG boys, though. so far they have a non geek, 2 level 4 - uber geeks, 2 level 5 - jedi masters, and a level 7 - Maud’dib, The Chosen Master of the Illuminati, Lord of Silicon Valley and the Justicar of all he surveys (that's the highest level).



Blogger basscomm said...

I got 815 points. That puts me square in the realm of the Level 4 geek (Uber Geek).

I don't know whether to be excited or not...

4/12/2006 11:41 AM

Blogger bibliophile81 said...

I have seen that commercial. I was freaked out enough when I saw the one with Gandolf (sp.?), but then I saw that one, I was just sitting there thinking man, oh, man, that is not attractive at all to the typical LOR audience... What are they thinking?

4/12/2006 10:25 PM

Blogger bibliophile81 said...

I only got 190 on that geek test! I think I'm going to cry! They're claiming I'm not a geek at all! I took pretty much every point I could, but I definatly lost some because of the two-year rule. I haven't watched Star Trek regularly in a very long time, and it has been at least three or four years since I read a Douglas Adams book.

4/12/2006 10:43 PM

Blogger bibliophile81 said...

I went back to the other geek test ( and took it again just to make myself feel a little better.

22.28797% - Geek

4/12/2006 11:05 PM

Blogger norahs1213 said...

I've finally seen the commercial. And it's a little freaky, to be honest. But I did like the look on Gandalf's face in the end. :)

4/14/2006 4:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
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7/19/2006 3:46 AM


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