yours and mine -- procrastination rules!


new quiz

Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?
this quiz was made by Lori Fury



Blogger rabidmonkey said...

well hell, it left off the history bit. here it is:

Anna of Cleves got the royal shaft. She came all the way to England to become the fourth wife of Henry VIII. Once married to Anna, he refused to consummate the marriage, and called her the "Flanders Mare". Talk about a burn, considering that by this time, Henry was the fattest man in England and had a rotting syphilis sore on his leg.

Anna was miffed, but she was too sensible to let it ruin her fun. She was given an annulment and a fat yearly allowance, and she threw extravagant parties and dined on delicacies for the rest of her life.

6/26/2006 6:49 AM

Blogger velocibadgergirl said...

You have an interesting hat/veil thingie.

6/26/2006 11:08 PM

Blogger norahs1213 said...

I took it...and I was Catarina of Aragon. Although I really think I'm more like Anna...oh well.

6/27/2006 12:10 AM

Blogger basscomm said...

It said that I, too, am Catarina of Aragon... But I'm not sure I was supposed to take it.

6/29/2006 12:29 AM


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