yours and mine -- procrastination rules!


coming right a day or so

as you can see, i've switched to new blogger. so, why no new firehouse post, you ask? because i'm tired and i need sleep. it's sitting in my account as a draft, and i'm going to be really optimistic and say it's half done. i did warn you it was going to be long, right?

there's a taste for you. a stone medallion from #12, and yes that buildings needs tuck-pointed something fierce.


Blogger velocibadgergirl said...

I'm seriously on the edge of my seat. I click through to your page at least twice a day, hoping the entry will have appeared.

So, you know, chop chop and all that. :D

2/26/2007 1:41 PM

Blogger bibliophile81 said...

The medallion itself looks to be in excellent condition; clean and everything.

Can't wait for the extended post!

2/26/2007 9:47 PM

Blogger rabidmonkey said...

sorry, still not done and going to bed. getting close to finished, though. just the non-firehouse highlights of our trip to cover. an oddity, a historic landmark, and a bit of confusion and interest.

2/27/2007 8:46 AM


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