new pictures = new post
thanks to the generous use of the badgers' scanner, here are some pictures i wasn't able to share before from the book, with a few others for comparison.

at left, the picture i wanted to share so badly, #6 while in use. at right, for comparison, #6 as it looks today. shorter, shabbier, and sans bay window.

in the list of register historic places in indiana for vanderburgh county, you'll find old hose house #4 (also #10 and #12). at 623 ingle street, you'll find only a parking lot. why they haven't removed it from the list, or at least made a note about it no longer being there, in the last 13 years i couldn't say.
i apologize that the scanned pictures aren't really clear, but they are old pictures and were about that grainy in the book. i would have made them bigger so you could see them better, but then the comparison pics wouldn't fit side by side.
Labels: buildings
3/06/2007 12:17 AM
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